Akashic Record Reading for the Collective- October 2022
Welcome to October and another reading of the energies for the collective. As an Akashic Reader, I am honored to go into the Akash to receive guidance for the soul’s that will be reading this transcript. The Akashic Records hold the energy of all actions, thoughts, emotions, and lifetimes ever experienced past, present, and future.
Since time is not linear. it is all available.
There are many ways you can enter the Akashic Records. You can read the records for a: person, business, or building. When I enter for the ‘ The Collective’ I am doing a group energy reading and so there is no entering of any one person’s personal records, but more of a reading of all that will benefit.
Every month I go into The Akashic Records, for my newsletter/community members, and ask ‘ WHAT DO THEY MOST NEED TO KNOW FOR THIS MONTH?”
I do this by inviting in your: Guides, Higher selves, Angels, and the frequency of The Records to channel through guidance. Asking that only the highest and most loving energy be made available. I receive information through: hearing, seeing, knowing, and feeling. My most pronounced being hearing, so I mostly heard this message and wrote it down, while listening.
Read through this transmission with an open heart, allowing yourself to be open to what you most need at this time. Do any emotions, thoughts, feelings come up? These are important signs to what your soul is trying to relay to you.
I would encourage you to journal your experience or any awareness you receive and allow yourself time in silence to reflect.
And now to the reading…
‘There is a great unearthing of ancient knowledge. Many will be finding themselves tapping into lost information lost codes, bringing them back into their energetic fields.
We are requesting anyone who is feeling tired or worn out to take rest and ground your energy; for to integrate these codes your physical body, must rest.
These are earth activations, transmitted from the sun, and grounded in the Earth and your bodies
These codes have the ability to unlock parts of your DNA, to shift your consciousness
We are aware that many will not understand these terms, but they will feel them
Each sentence that is spoken and transcribed; You receive a transmission, an activation, a spark
Ensure you are caring for your body during this time of expansion.
Drinking spring/ mineral water, bathing in natural light, eating foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Recharging your body as you would a crystal.
Clear, activating, and charging
Take this time to be aware of what your body, is asking for .
Is it asking for more rest?
More movement?
More intentionality?
October will be a month were the collective will begin to shifts in their perceptions, the ability to see thorough the veil will be more pronounced than ever. You will begin to feel time speeding up and slowing down. All apart of the process of releasing the old and inviting in the new earth energies.
Relish in this time, use it to dive into your body and your soul even deeper.
Your heart is the central portal of the divine.
Ensure you are always coming back here, to the heart. Within the heart you find your purpose, your connection, your guidance.
Now more than ever, opening and expanding the heart portal will be necessary as we go into times were there is removal of old systems and clearing of the old timeline.
Here you may find comfort. In the heart.
It is your divine compass, the port that your soul calls home...
find your way back there often.
You may be there by placing your hands over your heart and allowing your soul light to expand from that space.
Invite in your angels, guides, higher self, your soul community to support you while you are reconnecting
Do this often throughout the day
For in the heart you are one with your soul, body, and mind.
Connect these and you will see shifts in your consciousness.
You are so very loved’
The October month energy feels very expansive. A huge emphasis was placed on rest and integration. Not getting frustrated when you are feeling tired, but yet knowing this is your bodies way of requiring rest. Rest is necessary to integrate the codes and transmissions you have been receiving.
Think of it as you would brewing a cup of tea…
You must allow time for the tea to steep. The codes are the bag of tea, the integration is the time you place the tea in the water and allow it to rest, and the water is your body/energy field.
After this time of rest, you will have a cup of tea you may enjoy and use. The same goes for your body and the energetic transmission you will be receiving. Allow the integration without it, you will be unable to experience the full joy of a cup of brewed tea.