Laila Taylor

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Channeled Collective Akashic Reading - March 2022

This month is all about creating awareness of your feelings and how you react or don’t react to certain thoughts.  Have you allowed yourself to go wayward with emotion, and feel as though this is the only way you can help?  This is a common misconception believing that your energy is best spent worrying and fighting. 

Your energy is best when it is kept sacred within your own divine self so that when the time comes for you to open up your hands and hearts to each other, you are running over with it.

Your energy will slip through thin cracks and shreds in your aura if you are constantly allowing the belief that your display of emotions, at all times, is what makes you a better human, friend, and lover.  We are not saying that to not have emotions is the goal. No, no not at all. It is so beautiful how you feel and express and relate to each other. 

We are merely saying, be aware of the emotions and feelings that you are allowing within your field and how you let them sit with you throughout the day.

 Are you aware of what is yours and what is not? Are you so muddied by the waters, that you do not know where your story starts an where the other ends?  This is what we want you to look into. 

Be aware that the narrative of having to hold another’s pain, may only lead you to have less energy and stamina for when life chooses to show its face to you. Meaning when life takes a turn and you are struggling, where will your energy be?  Will it be with you or will it be shattered into a million pieces worrying about and staying with the issues around the world that others are telling you, you must feed into?

Love one another, care for one another, but you do not need to lose yourself for another.

Do you see?  Do not lose your energy, give it away freely, so that you may pacify the rising anger of the world that says you are not doing enough.

Do what you can for others, after you have ensured that yourself is filled.  Help when you have taken time to help yourself.  You are of no use to another if you do not see yourself as one that needs to be helped first. 

This may be confusing; backwards to what has been taught.  We are stating, it would not be wise to cut off your own leg because you see another with out the ability to stand.  Do you understand?

We would say to you, build up your strength and keep your legs to you. When you can stand on your own two feet, you may easily help up another, who cannot find their footing.  Do not gnaw off, in empathy, what can be of assistance for another.  That is your energy. Your energy is that leg that can help another stand.

You are so very loved. This month will be about holding your balance, observing your emotions, and remaining sovereign in your state.