Laila Taylor

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Let her Rise


Let me tell you.

If you believe a healer, this class, a retreat is going to heal you.

It won’t

I mean this in the most loving way. It’s a destination belief. Once I do this I will be better, but that is an untruth.

The work comes in the small moments everyday.  The moments, when you feel overwhelmed with your child, and you decide to take time for yourself instead of reacting in overwhelm. 

The time when you are overwhelmed with your child, you do react, and then you decide to love yourself instead of chastise your reaction.

The healer, the class, the practice: is all there to hold loving space for you to actualize yourself in your divine expression.  You are the master of yourself.

It’s in the present, in the still moments between breaths, where great change happens. 

When you decide to pour remarkable amounts of grace onto yourself. When you start your journey inwards

At first you will gorge, on the deep need to be seen in the most exposed way. Feeling never satiated, like an animal, pulling in the most primal aspects, of nourishment for survival. Feeding parts of you, that have never felt full. Soon though, you will see yourself as both the nourishment and consumer, the giver and receiver. Knowing that in infiniteness, there is never lack.

My dear, do not get lost in the: once I met this healer, once I have this reading, once I perfect this practice:

I will be better.

Behind that is… I will be enough

Behind that is… I am enough

Beyond that is… I am.


Do not lose yourself in the future possibility of yourself.

Inhabit and be her now. She is not off in the distance awaiting you.

Oh no, my dear, she is here with you now. Awaiting to rise from the dungeon she has been stuffed into. Too afraid to see her, feel her bigness, her presence. Her undeniable truth

Knowing that in her energy, the walls of illusion will shake and the foundation of seperation will buckle. She will be the destroyer and architect.

She, this aspect of you, can be moved with your breath. In the way you soothe yourself, sway your hips, and hold your heart in its expansion. Do not get lost looking for her. Break apart all the beliefs of separateness, and fall back into the chambers of your heart, unlock the shackles, and allow her to rise.

You are the healer, retreat within yourself, and create the practice of feeling the beauty of your fullness.