Who I am…

I began my journey feeling different than the rest of the crowd, not knowing how to fit in and feel ‘normal’. I struggled with major anxiety, depression, and inability to understand my emotions and what my purpose was for this life.

Sound familiar?

I felt like an actor in a play and the crushing weight of ‘holding it together’ was overwhelming. In 2012, I was met with the struggle of knowing I am meant to be here, but also not wanting to feel the pain anymore. On that same night I had a spiritual encounter that completely SHIFTED my life.

I then began my healing and seeking journey. I read every book, podcast, video about spirituality and healing thirsty for information. I just wanted to figure out how to stop feeling so lost.

I started to meditate and quickly realized I was able to connect into the spiritual realm, speak with my spirit guides, passed loved ones, and so began my journey of spirituality and learning


I define myself as a Spiritual channel: holding frequency for you to encounter your higherself and awaken your own intuitive healer within. In more simpler words, I am a: Reiki Master, Akashic Reader, Intuitive, and Registered Nurse.

I am passionate about helping you see yourself as a being of light, while I walk with you in you remembering YOU.

Helping you drop away the: fear, anxiety, depression, programs, and pressure that hinders you from stepping fully into your healing and light.

I am here to hold space for you on your journey…

A bit more about me…

I am a mom to 3 and have been married since 2006 & live in the Midwest. My first passion was for helping others, as an RN and have worked in High Acuity Units & Labor & Delivery for high risk patients since 2013. In 2018, I had a spiritual awakening after a traumatic dentist appointment that opened up my third eye & allowed me to perceive energy like never before. In 2020, I began sharing my spiritual connection with others and continued to grow in my knowledge and experience with: reiki, mediumship, psychic abilities, Akashic Records, energy healing and more.

This led me to the deep desire to share more about the ability we all have to connect into our TRUEst self and anchor our own connection to (God, Universe, Higherself) into our daily lives.

Thus began my mission, for more woman to ask “Who am I? What do I believe and why?”. Creating a space to learn more about you and what you desire to feel like each day. Through my abilities to connect to spirit guides & channel direct guidance from your Higher Self; I help you learn how to do the same and begin to feel empowered & aligned on your soul’s journey.

Few things about me…


  • Taurus Sun, Cancer Rising, Virgo Moon

  • 4/6 Emotional Manifestor

Favorite Things:

  • Spiritual/ Growth Podcasts

  • Spending time with family

  • That time right before a storm rolls in: ie Witch Weather

  • Music

  • Deep Conversations

  • Being goofy

  • Making my home as comfy & beautiful as I can


  • Akashic Record Reader: by Ashley Wood

  • Usui Reiki Master: trained by Amy Sikarskie

  • Registered Nurse

  • School of LIFE :)

Follow my Journey…