My first Reiki experience was pure magic. I had been on my journey of ‘reawakening’ to my true self for about three years. Throughout this time, I had aligned events that continued to steer me to discover all the beautiful facets of Spirit.  I took a course on psychic awareness and started to participate in a mediumship circle.  The perfect people and experiences would show up when my soul was ready to experience. I was amazed and in awe of what we could experience if we only opened our hearts to love. Throughout this time, I continued to feel a ‘pull’ towards Reiki (spirit tip: If you keep feeling drawn to something, it is probably spirit trying to get your attention to take actions, there is always a reason).

  I am someone who likes to think through things, before acting so I did my research. I researched Reiki, its background, the spiritual claims, and practitioners around me.  I was drawn to one practitioner in my area and booked a session. I arrived and felt butterflies in my stomach, I knew I was about to experience something that would be life altering but I did not know why (spirit tip:  Claircognizance is the ability to know something without any discernable reason).

 I lied down on the Reiki table, with my eyes closed, I followed the direction of the Reiki Master. I began to feel energy swirl, pulsate, and dance around me.  It was as though I had danced with this energy my whole life, but just had forgotten the steps.  I felt heat, pressure, and tingling dancing along my skin, jumping from side to side, lulling me into remembrance.  It felt so magnificent, as well familiar.  I saw many images, all stories and symbols that I understood. I was used to seeing images and symbols during meditation and readings, but this experience was like I had been watching TV in black and white, but during reiki the images showed up like a 4d IMAX experience, I was immersed. 

              I began feeling (what felt like an etheric finger), reach into my third eye.  With a dig and pull sensation rhythmically clean out my third eye chakra.  I began to panic just a bit, my mental mind began to rear, and I thought, “what is happening to me, this has to stop”. Immediately, I heard a woman’s voice in my head say, “Relax and breathe, you are ok”.  I listened and I breathed, and I felt a release of energy that felt glorious and holy.

              I could feel the Reiki Master above my head space, but then a sensation of multiple hands placed on my stomach and within it, became overwhelming.  Again, I heard the voice to, “breathe and allow”.  These hands were gentle but obvious and I could feel an immense heat and pressure building within my solar plexus.  I thought I was going to get sick for a moment, but then a big release happened.  I was flooded with colors of gold and yellow dancing in my eyes, as though I had just flown to the sun and watched it melt. Tears feel underneath my eye pillow; I felt such grace and oneness flowing through me.

              I was shown scenes and images of what I was releasing.  I was shown how religion and fear has been used in my life and so many others to control.  A voice spoke and said, “Do not let religion, stop you from knowing God”.  I saw an image of thousands of bodies on crucifixes, and I am holding the solider on the ground holding the spear.  Was that not what the Romans and others did to Jesus?  Hold their fear, from the teachings of the church to judge, unknowingly nailing away their connection to Spirit?

              I saw within my minds eye, an old woman. She was haggard, had a black hooded cape, disfigured face, and decaying features. Usually, this image would have stirred fear within me, but I felt her and she was sadness.  We locked eyes and I sensed familiarity between us.  The old women then closed her eyes, turned around and disappeared.  After that happened, I was recalled gently back to this dimension and opened my eyes.  I was greeted back by my loving Reiki Master and allowed to share my experience.

              During this exchange of what I felt, I realized ‘I am that old woman’, she was the expression of me.  She was the sadness, the hurt, the fear, the ugly, the shame, the old as a physical representation of my psyche and I was letting her go.  I loved her and I was her, she served a great purpose for me.  She protected me from hurt by not allowing people to get close.  She embodied the fear, I felt of myself.  She loved me in the only way I could allow love in for years, but it was now time for me to say goodbye.  My reiki session allowed me to clear away old aspects of my energy that I cannot continue with any longer.

              My Reiki Practitioner, Amanda, had stated she heard intuitvely over and over “She can do what you are doing, she should be doing Reiki.” She saw images of me on stage, teaching to a crowd, speaking to many. I felt a calling to healing, in a new way.  I was already a healer, being a registered nurse but now a call to heal on a spiritual level emerged.  And so, with that I am here, now a year later, as a Reiki Master myself. Creating similar experiences with my own clients, and I am beyond in awe of how spirit will and does work.  Pure magic, beauty, and love.


Reiki Changed My Life


Playing Small…