Asking your Spirit Guides for a sign…

Question: I always ask my guides to me a sign that I’m moving in the right direction. I get nothing does that mean that I am not?

I received this question in response to a video I posted about Spirit Guides and this is a really great questions, because what does it mean if you do not receive an answer to your questions from your guides?

So, first let’s dive into what are your spirit guides and how can we expect them to show up for us. Your spirit guides are non-local (meaning they aren’t tied to a physical location) and aren’t tied to a physical body. Your spirit guides are entities that have known you for lifetimes & here to help guide you through your physical experience. They are like your cheerleaders, guidance counselors, and teachers in the spirit world.

You chose your main guides before incarnating into this body & they agree to work with you to help you achieve whatever your soul is desiring this lifetime. SO, let’s move back to asking your spirit guides questions and maybe why this person didn’t receive a message back.

How do you want to FEEL everyday…

The more specific you can be the better. So, take this person’s original question to her guides ‘Am I on the right path?"‘.

First, what is the right path? Is there only ONE right path? The answer to that is NO, there is no one right path. In my work in the Akashic Records, I have received that the soul does not worry about the path you are taking but more the lessons and experiences you are having along the path. It’s the human’s judgement & belief that creates the belief that there is one right way & that you can ‘miss your purpose’ if it’s not fulfilled. There is a countless number of paths you can take to heal & experience your soul’s desired outcome. I could go further down the rabbit hole of linear time, multi-dimensionality, & soul paths but I will save that for another time.

The goal is to understand what you wish to FEEL day to day. That means you spend time ‘feeling into’ what the highest path feels like to you. You can do that by closing your eyes or feeling into your heart space and asking ‘How do I wish to feel everyday?’. And that may be: feeling free / having time freedom, abundance, feeling connected to your creativity, feeling a soul calling to your career, having a balanced work to home life. Only you know, what the right path feels like.

Once you understand how you desire to FEEL waking up each day, then you can ask questions to your: Higherself, spirit guides, or angels asking ‘Is this the right path for me to experience.. (fill in the blank of all the desires you wish to experience)’.

How to practically ask guides for a ‘sign’…

Now that you understand a bit more about how you wish to feel. You can ask further questions to your spirit guides but be specific. If you have the opportunity for a new job, we would ask…

“Will this new job in (blank) be for my highest aligned timeline, be fulfilling, & allow me the abundance & time freedom I desire?

Then we would ask for certain signs to help our guides answer a YES or a NO/NOT RIGHT NOW to us.

This can look like you saying “ If this job will create that energy. I would like to see a blue butterfly and if it’s a no/not right now I would like to see a brown bear. Please show it to me in a visual or let me hear ‘butterfly’ or ‘brown bear’ in the next three days, as many times as possible. Thank you Thank you"“

You see I have given a SPECIFIC sign for both YES and for NO. I have given a time frame and how it can be delivered. These are all really important aspects to asking for a sign, that gives you a specific answer you can trust. We are receiving signs all the time from the universe but our human mind says ‘well that can mean anything’. I get it, so make your sign be super specific to cancel out self doubt.

I recommend writing out the answers in your notepad, journal or phone like “blue butterfly-yes, brown bear-no” so you don’t forget.

Now don’t go out looking for signs, because then that misses the point. Be open, trusting, and optimistic that you will receive one of the two signs. If it’s been three days and you haven’t seen either, then you probably missed the sign. That’s ok, I’ve done that as well. Just re-ask with the same signs or make up new ones.

If you are worried your phone is listening to you because I have truly seen signs of it. I ask my guides in my head silently and then write down on a piece of paper my answers & I still get the signs!

Do I need to know my Spirit Guides to get an answer?

NOPE, you don’t have to be talking to your spirit guides or regularly channeling. You can come in with no knowledge of your guides and still receive confirmation through signs. Just get quiet & ask out loud or silently for your spirit guides that are anchored in unconditional love and light to send you a sign, using the guidance above.

REMEMBER: Your spirit guides will never tell you what you HAVE to do. They are here as teachers & guides to assist you in making decisions in your life. They will not and do not want to take any power from you. Always remember that.

Go get your Spirit Signs…

This is one of the first & easiest ways to start working with your spirit guides. It’s also a way for you to start seeing & trusting that the universe is always looking out for you and aims to help you with your own desires.

If you want to dive deeper and meet your guides 1:1- my intuitive mentoring sessions HERE will connect you to your guides & how they communicate with you.


What is Soul Purpose?


Exploring the Depths: Mastering the Art of Questioning in the Akashic Records