What is Soul Purpose?

Question: What is my soul purpose?

That's the top question I receive in Akashic Record readings and a huge question I had when I started on my spiritual awakening and healing journey. The reason why it's so popular, at least this is what I think, is because we feel so lost and just want a sign that we are on the right path.


The thing with soul purpose, is it isn't ONE thing.

It's not a job, a relationship, a title, or anything like that. Your soul purpose is about a state of being a belief or energy that you embody day to day. So, you can be a teacher, a dentist, a construction worker, a healer and still be aligned to your purpose because it's how you BE, not who you BE. 


The tricky thing about purpose, is it's best understood retroactively. If you look back on your life, you will probably notice some major themes in your life like abandonment, fear, not speaking up, worthlessness, feeling victimized, poor relationships, or struggling with abundance. These patterns can be the key to your purpose. 


Your purpose will likely involve, healing and clearing those patterns. We all incarnate into this life with a purpose/ a mission, that is discussed with our spirit team and ourselves and we then chose the ‘perfect’ backdrop to heal and chose differently this lifetime. 


For example, you have a long history of poor relationships this lifetime. From your family relationships to romantic ones. Your purpose is hidden in there, it's hidden in the pain.


Your purpose, once you dig deeper, may be to learn self-love & worthiness. This lifetime would require you to not be co-dependent on love & worthiness from another and challenge you to start providing yourself with inner love first. This doesn't mean that you cannot find love this lifetime, but that the love that you desire, may come with more time, difficulty, or possibly after you start healing. 


What you once viewed as pain; is now your key to your purpose.

It becomes your north star and allows you to start the journey, your soul truly desired to work on this lifetime. Once, you start down the path of healing & fulfilling your purpose often people will see their life shift dramatically. Unhealthy relationships may fall away. You may have a complete shift in how you present yourself and your beliefs. Alot can transpire once you see the truth of your mission and what you are here to embody and heal.


So, your soul purpose isn't a job. It's a state of being, that is understood only with awareness and healing. I encourage you to look back through your life and see what themes have been reoccurring, that you may feel a victim too.

Then the next question would be “What are all these experiences trying to show me?” and allow that to be your starting point. 


If you are interested in understanding your soul purpose more, I recommend spending time in quiet reflection. This can be done in a few ways like: meditation, connecting to your Akashic Records, journaling, spirit guides, or connecting to your Higherself. These are just different avenues, that can connect you to your soul’s guidance and help with receiving more clarity.

In my offerings, we not only go into soul purpose, but also I help you see the underlying patterns that you are running in your field and how to not only heal & clear them but understand how they are gifts in your life. This work can be done without the assistance of a healer, but a what a healer can do for you is offer an unbiased view point and direct you to your own truth and healing.

I would recommend the intuitive mentoring sessions or Akashic readings for soul purpose readings.


Asking your Spirit Guides for a sign…